
DAAD Scholarship Programmes for Pakistan

International students look at various funding programmes on the PCs in the library.
© DAAD/von Allwörden
The DAAD supports Pakistani students and academics through a number of funding programmes. You will find an overview in the lists below.

Further information

Master Scholarships

Programme Duration Deadline Announcement
Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) 1-2 years Please see programme announcement EPOS
Helmut-Schmidt-Programme Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG) 1-2 years Generally at the end of July Helmut-Schmidt-Programme
Study Scholarships For Foreign Graduates in the Field of Architecture
  • Masters: Between 10 and 24 months
  • Complimentary studies: 1 year
Generally at the end of September Study Scholarships For Foreign Graduates in the Field of Architecture
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film
  • Masters: Between 10 and 24 months
  • Complimentary studies: 1 year
Generally at the end of November Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film
Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Music
  • Masters: Between 10 and 24 months
  • Complimentary studies: 1 year
Generally at the start of October

Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Music

Please also read the subject-specific information.

Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts
  • Masters: Between 10 and 24 months
  • Complimentary studies: 1 year
Generally at the end of October

Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Please also read the subject specific information.

PhD Scholarships

Programme Duration Deadline Announcement
Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany 3 years Generally at the end of August Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany
Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees 1-2 years Generally at the end of August Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees
Research Grants in Germany 2 to 12 months Generally at the end of August Research Grants in Germany
DAAD Scholarships for Medical Doctor

Up to one year research within a PhD project to be completed in Pakistan


Generally at the end of August

DAAD Scholarships for Medical Doctor

  • Please also read the subject-specific information.
  • PhD research in pure natural science (e.g. Molecular Biology) leading to the degree “Dr. rer. nat.” or “Dr. rer. medic.”
  • (Important: Please note that at the time of application, you must have completed your MBBS degree!)


DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme 3 years Please see programme announcement DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme
DLR/DAAD Research-Fellowship-Programme 3 years Please see programme announcement DLR/DAAD Research-Fellowship-Programme
DAAD EPOS  3 years Generally at the end of August


Please see the PhD programme “Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) “

DAAD EPOS  3 years Please see programme announcement


Please see the PHD programme “Mathematics in Industry and Commerce – MIC”

DAAD EPOS 3 years Please see programme announcement


Please see the PhD Program “Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Rural Development”

Funding for Post-Docs

Programme Duration Deadline Announcement
Research Grant in Germany 2 to 6 months Generally at the end of August Research Grant in Germany
DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists 1-3 months Generally at the end of August DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists
DAAD Re-Invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders 1-3 months Generally at the end of August DAAD Re-Invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships
  • Postdoctoral students: 6 to 24 months
  • Senior scientists: 1 to 3 months
Please see programme announcement DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships

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